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AT&T Tech 360 Provides Expert Remote Technical Assistance

With AT&T Tech360, you’ll get live, 24/7 remote technical support for computers, tablets and smartphones, along with support for IoT (smart) devices and peripherals like printers, scanners, digital cameras, sensors and more. Choose the subscription package that fits your business and we’ll provide comprehensive remote assistance over the phone and directly over the Internet via a highly secure online delivery platform.

Go ahead and free your team to focus on business. AT&T Tech360 gives you peace of mind of knowing you’ve got 24/7, remote technical support for your computer, mobile and even IoT devices – without having to hire your own IT staff.


AT&T Tech Support
Benefits with
Quality Features

Optimized assistance increasing as your business

Facilitate reliable solutions to make you waste less time solving IT problems.

Convenience for your company

Effectively protect your business devices paired and operate optimally, with day or night support available.

Extensive support whenever you need it

Using professional support on new technology for the installation, setup and training..


No IT Division?
Don't think too

Let AT&T Tech360 be your “virtual” IT department with solutions that help improve efficiencies and increase productivity.

Help from remote, U.S.-based, IT certified technicians

Support where business takes you: at work, from home, or on the road – 24/7/365 – even on holidays and weekends

Computer data protection, unlimited data storage, and mobile access to that data

AT&T Remote IT Support solutions that grow with your business

All at a predictable and affordable price


Frequently asked questions ?

What is AT&T Tech 360?

It would be like having a professional IT department of your own or a help desk-without administrative costs. Tech 360 is a live, 24/7, U.S.-based, virtual tech support solution that provides direct service over the Internet through a highly secure online delivery platform. Just choose a membership that matches your requirements needs. We focus on providing our virtual IT service in single-seat and multi-seat online services * to deliver value to customers. Our technology can be your main IT resource, or a backup to an existing IT resource when hourly and weekend assistance is needed.

Take into consideration on:
• Free client support to IT issues and requirements by U.S.-based, IT-certified specialists;
• Computer assistance, mobile support, laptop support, IoT apps
• A far more cost-effective alternative than the depot facilities
• The help that expands with your organization-where it brings you to market.

* Each remote IT Subscription seat allows 1 PC or Mac to be registered for 1 user; in addition, 1 smartphone and 1 tablet are supported for each user's registered computer, along with infinite peripheral devices and IoT device assistance for your office;

How does Tech 360 work?

Using desktop sharing technology we access your computer remotely, securely, with your authorization. Using a highly secure online delivery platform we can provide direct service over the Internet.

How can Tech 360 benefit me and my business?

• We help you concentrate on what you are doing best, which will help you improve productivity. Most small and medium-sized business owners and their main staff are spending time addressing technological issues, attempting to solve computer bugs, or setting up peripherals. You can leave all of that behind with AT&T Tech 360—we'll take care of it for you.
• Count on us for live, 24/7, remote, U.S.-based IT assistance that's appropriate for your business now and growing. Our subscription-based packages offer flexible solutions depending on the number of devices or users you are using.
• To rely on Tech 360 is like having your own IT department, which often leads to both time and cost savings. Plus when you need us, we offer various services: on weekends and holidays, at 2 in the morning ... practically pretty much any time.
• Secure your sensitive corporate data with Automated Data Backup solutions providing automatic and unrestricted data backup to a remote online storage service from your computer. Your essential files are backed up and made accessible from a web-connected mobile device for viewing or access. Just think of the peace of mind that you will gain, knowing that you have sustainability of the business.

What selection of services Tech 360 offer?

Roughly everything that you would ever need, Technology-wise. Help with your connected peripheral devices, online information backup, and more. Tech 360 can help, from troubleshooting and fixing tech problems to systems training. Enjoy exploring our programs and seeing what we can do for you. Here are just a few examples:

• Find, secure, and delete viruses, then install and configure applications for the anti-virus.
• Avoid pop-ups, secure and delete malicious programs, and install antivirus software apps.
• Optimize and speed up the PC and improve performance.
• Correct issues with the email and apps.
• Support and repair printers, scanners, digital cameras, and other issues with peripheral equipment.
• Repair error messages, frozen computers, etc.
• Create set and forget maintenance schedules, and update patches for Windows.
• Provide training for computer software, tablet, and smartphones
• Optimize WIFI networks (including security) for small office and home office.
• Data transfer from Windows, or Mac.

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